Friday 26 October 2012

Better Book Titles is a great fun place to visit if you love a bit of parody.
See if can guess the real titles of these books and then head off to the site and see more hilarious alternatives.

Stephenie Meyer

Reader Submission: Title and Redesign by Kristyn Winch ( George R.R. Martin: A Game of Thrones
Reader Submission: Title and Redesign by Lauren Dee. Christopher Paolini: Inheritance
Reader Submission: Title and Redesign by Laurel Kinman. James Joyce: Finnegan’s Wake
Reader Submission: Title and Redesign by Barry Pierce.
In honor of this dumb project.

Michael Crichton: Jurassic Park Stephen King: Christine Shout out to Alex Dugger for reminding me I missed one!
Mark Twain: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Roald Dahl: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Bret Easton Ellis: American Psycho
Reader Submission: Title and Redesign by Ian Evans. Frank Herbert: Dune
Reader Submission: Title and Redesign by Rentz Leinbach. Ernest Hemingway: For Whom The Bell Tolls
Reader Submission: Title by Cami Adair. Mary Shelley: Frankenstein
Reader Submission: Title by Lauren
(A back-to-school redo. Here’s the original Better Book Title for Frankenstein.)